Press Release

COVID-19 pandemic - Message from WinGD CEO, Klaus M. Heim

  • 30 March 2020
  • 2 minutes to read

COVID-19 pandemic - Message from WinGD CEO, Klaus M. Heim

Message from WinGD CEO, Klaus M. Heim

The unexpected COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everyone and every business around the world. It has created unique challenges for us all.

Our WinGD global team has risen together in this time of crisis to put the necessary steps in place to maintain our operations worldwide, without compromising the health and safety of our employees and our stakeholders. We continue to make the adjustments needed in line with the WHO guidelines and local government recommendations, to keep our people and our community safe, while continuing to serve our customers.

Switzerland – Headquarters

  • Our test engine program continues to run important projects at our Engine Research and Innovation Centre (ERIC) supporting our Global Test Programs.
  • Our experts within our WiDE Support Centre are remotely assisting and monitoring active and ongoing tests.
  • We are enhancing our information technology tools to facilitate online meetings and collaborations with our customers and partners.
  • The majority of our work force has shifted to home-office locations where possible.
  • We have restricted external travel and visits to WinGD.


  • Our local experts have risen to the challenge to provide the critical on-site support needed when travel was suspended. 
  • Our remote access capabilities were tested and enhanced to maintain expertise support, preventing business disruption.
  • Ongoing collaboration between our global experts ensures that our customers remain supported, while our employee’s safety and wellbeing is maintained.

It is clear that the pandemic impact is far reaching and that it will forever change the way we interact and do business. In some ways, those changes will be positive as we shift towards a more sustainable way of doing business.  

On a daily basis we are demonstrating that we are a company with dedicated and compassionate people, capable of incredible flexibility and willingness to adapt and change.  The result has been a remarkable continuation of our day-to-day business. We continue to grow and learn through these extraordinary times and I am confident that we will be an even stronger company when this crisis dissipates.

To our customers, we thank you for your ongoing support and we assure you that we remain committed to providing proven, reliable propulsion solutions. We look forward to the day when we can meet again.



Klaus M. Heim