
Demand growing for future-fuel ready engines: Lloyd's List

  • 28 September 2022
  • 1 minutes to read

Demand growing for future-fuel ready engines: Lloyd's List

This month our CEO, Klaus Heim sat down with Lloyd's List during SMM to talk about the future of our industry and WinGD's decarbonisation strategy.

DEMAND for engines running on new fuels has accelerated in the past year, according to Klaus Heim, Chief Executive at WinGD.

Discussion has been ongoing for many years, but now the industry wants to see pilot installations running. Customers looking to order newbuildings must ensure their vessels are future-fuel ready, while customers with older vessels are inquiring about retrofit capability.

“A year ago, in discussion with customers, no one expected demand would grow so strongly,” says Mr Heim.

“Then, it was a few of the biggest companies. Now it’s everyone.”

Click here to read the full article.

This article is available for those with a Lloyd's List subscription.