

Designed to meet the specific design requirements of the LNG carriers

WinGD low-pressure dual-fuel technology has been developed to respond to the market requirements of providing a propulsion solution capable to run efficiently, effectively and safely on gas, on top of conventional heavy fuel oil or diesel oil. The technology is based on the low pressure gas system concept. This system has a competitive initial investment and fulfils Tier III emission requirements without any external exhaust gas after treatment system. In brief, the technology allows a merchant two-stroke engine to simply, safely and reliably run on gas.
All data provided on this site is for information purposes only, explicitly non-binding and subject to changes without further notice.

Fuel Types


Vessel types

  • Tanker
  • Container Vessel
    Container Vessel
  • Bulk Carrier
    Bulk Carrier
  • Multipurpose Vessel
    Multipurpose Vessel
  • Gas Carrier
    Gas Carrier
  • High reliability

    High reliability

    Well proven design
  • Fuel flexibility

    Fuel flexibility

    Operation on gas or diesel fuels
  • Low emissions

    Low emissions

    IMO Tier III compliance in gas mode without after treatment

Engine details


IMO Tier III in gas mode
Cylinder bore
Piston stroke
Mean effective pressure at R1
Stroke/bore ratio

Rated power, principal dimensions and weights

Output in kW at
79rpm 69rpm Length A
Dry mass
Cyl. R1 R2 R3 R4
5 13000 11900 11350 10400 7875 470
6 15600 14280 13620 12480 9165 550
Output in kW at
79rpm 69rpm
Cyl. R1 R2 R3 R4
5 13000 11900 11350 10400
6 15600 14280 13620 12480
Cyl. Length A
5 7875 470
6 9165 550


4780 1575 10790
F1 F2 F3 G
13655 13655 12730 2455

Brake specific consumption in gas mode

Rating point R1 R2 R3 R4
BSEC (energy) kJ/kWh 7052 6955 7113 7004
BSGC (gas) g/kWh 140.3 138.2 141.5 139.2
BSPC (pilot fuel) g/kWh 0.9 1.0 0.9 1.0

Brake specific fuel consumption in diesel mode

Rating point R1 R2 R3 R4
BSFC (diesel Tier II) kJ/kWh 180.8 180.0 180.9 180.0

Brake specific consumption in gas mode

Rating point R1 R2 R3 R4
BSEC (energy) 1 kJ/kWh 7052 6955 7113 7004
BSGC (gas) 2 g/kWh 140.3 138.2 141.5 139.2
BSPC (pilot fuel) 3 g/kWh 0.9 1.0 0.9 1.0

Brake specific fuel consumption in diesel mode

Rating point R1 R2 R3 R4
BSFC (diesel Tier II)1 kJ/kWh 180.8 180.0 180.9 180.0

Engine optimised for reduced rating field and 5/6 cylinder applications.

All data provided on this site is for information purposes only, explicitly non-binding and subject to changes without further notice.

Engine documentation for X72DF-1.2

Over a century of experience

Our engine history

It all began with Rudolph Diesel and the Sulzer Brothers

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